Indeed, I tend to buy quite some large quantities of beetroot from my local market, around the corner. Catalan markets provide excellent ingredients that make the cooking experience a beautiful journey. Often locals think that the beetroot leaves should be binned right away, when in fairness these leaves are full of life, fiber, protein, phosphorus, zinc, antioxidants, vitamin B6, magnesium, potassium, copper and manganese.
Here is an idea how you can use them. Take the leaves from a beetroot and cut them roughly, then add them to a food processor. Add two larger cubes of your favorite hard cheese, a table spoon of extra virgin olive oil and to finish a handful of almonds (version 1) or sunflower seeds (version 2). Turn on the processor for 10-15 seconds making sure that the content will not be turned into a paste. You can use the pesto either with pasta or as a spread for healthy snacks.